ICT Training

Donation Goal For This Project is $80,000
73% Donated/$21,313 To Go
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Problem statement: In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of young people beating a path to the doors of Nigeria’s tech ecosystem. Many factors are responsible for this. Another factor to consider is the high unemployment rate in the country. The Nigerian Bureau of Statistics recorded the youth unemployment rate at 42.5% in the last quarter of 2020. These, in addition to individual interest, are two of many factors driving a lot of people into learning tech skills.

What we want to achieve: Every day, there is a spread of technological awareness among young people, with many considering a tech career, and while the journey might be an easy ride for those that are privileged and have all the resources needed at their reach, but difficult for those in the lower-middle class who struggle to get food on their table not to talk more about purchasing a laptop. To curb this, our goal is to train one hundred and fifty youths with technology skills and equip them for the tech job market.

How we want to achieve it: We aim to achieve this by equipping an Information, Communication, and Technology Center with 72 technology gadgets like Desktops, Laptops, and computer accessories.

How much is needed: The total of $7,500 (4,500,000) is needed to adequately execute this project.